Jesus Cares Ministry Church By The Parks/
A Christian Church
Jesus Cares Ministry Church By The Parks/
A Christian Church
About Our Church
About Our Church
Minister Karen Bigby
Minister Karen Bigby
Our Church meets in the park on Saturdays, we are available to serve like Jesus say we should. Our Church was birthed on the mission of serving through caring and loving the unlovable. Through many setbacks, God used our setbacks as comebacks to love others even more. We have a passion for families, marriages and serving everyone as needed in the community.

Our Vision
Our Vision
Our vision is to serve the community and love like Jesus say we should. The best way to serve is doing what Jesus would do. We vow to always ask that question what would Jesus do?
Our Mission
Our Mission
To know Jesus and make Jesus known after all Jesus paid it all!!!

Our Community
Our Community
Serving families and people in need, we are a Park Ministry because we enjoy the beauty of nature. Church by the Park meets in the park because we want everyone to come as you are and God will meet us there. We meet and enjoy the beauty of God. We are truly a Church that cares. We are set out to tell as many as we can about the gospel of Jesus Christ.